Are we better with Technology, or are we Slaves to it?

Abafor Chima
Published in
5 min readFeb 8, 2023


The earliest forms of human technology, engineering, and communication date back to prehistoric times, when humans were just starting to emerge as a species. Over the centuries, these three elements have been interwoven and have played a crucial role in the development of human society. In this article, we will take a look at modern technology and ask ourselves if we are really better off with modern technology. What sparked my inquest to write this article came from a short funny video from a TV Series — 1923. A specific quote caught my attention:

“You sell electricity, and then you rent all the other things that use electricity… … Here’s the thing, we buy all these stuff, we are not working for ourselves anymore, we are working for you”.

Source: @simplified.stories on Instagram

Lets go back to the Stone Age, where early humans used stone tools for a variety of purposes, such as hunting, building, and preparing food. Stone tools allowed early humans to perform tasks that would have been difficult or impossible with their bare hands. For example, they used sharp-edged stones to skin animals, and heavier stones to crack open nuts. Over time, the design of these tools became more sophisticated, and they were used for a wider range of activities, such as shaping wooden objects and carving stone. Early humans were naturally creative and resourceful, and they used their skills to build structures and invent new technologies. For example, they used sticks and branches to build shelters, and they created simple machines, such as levers, to make their work easier. Over time, human engineering became more advanced, and they built large structures, such as pyramids, that required a high level of technical skill and knowledge.

As human society progressed, technology, engineering, and communication continued to evolve. For example, the invention of the wheel and the plow allowed early civilizations to increase their food production, while the creation of the printing press made it possible to spread knowledge more widely. The advent of the industrial revolution in the 19th century marked a major turning point, as new technologies, such as the steam engine and the telegraph, transformed the way people lived and worked. Today, technology, engineering, and communication have advanced to a level that would have been unimaginable to our ancestors. From smartphones to supercomputers, from the internet to artificial intelligence, these elements have changed the way we live and work, and they continue to shape our future. However, with these advancements come new challenges and responsibilities, as we seek to balance the benefits of technology with the need to protect our privacy, security, and environment.

While modern technology has brought many benefits and advancements, it has also created a dependence on it that limits personal freedom and requires a constant financial investment.

In the past, civilizations relied on manual labor and simple tools to meet their basic needs. They traded goods and services with each other, which allowed them to sustain their way of life without the need for constant financial investment. However, modern technology has created a society that is dependent on electricity, internet, and other forms of technology to function. This dependency leads to a constant need to pay bills, purchase new devices, and subscribe to services.

This dependence on technology has also changed the way people work and communicate. Instead of face-to-face interaction and manual labor, many jobs now require the use of computers and the internet, making it difficult for individuals to disconnect from their work. The line between personal and professional life has become blurred, as people are expected to be available and connected at all times. Especially among this new generation born with mobile devices in their palms called Gen. Z. There’s a lot of talk on this issue on the internet about younger generations getting lost on the internet, being exposed to a lot of vices as well as being rude and mannerless because of a faceless communication culture, where younger people lack respect for older ones and almost anything goes. However, this is besides the point.

Tecno-slaves: Glued to the phones

I would argue that the reason fuel-powered vehicles were built and marketed as the primary means of transportation from 1900’s was to sell more crude oil. The reason for creating washing machines, fridges, air conditioners and other home appliances is to sell more electricity. The reason for building faster internet is to sell more data. All these are backed by data. The same way the incentive for promoting football to the world as a universal sport is money and power.

Modern technology has revolutionized the way we live and work, making many tasks easier and more efficient. However, the increasing dependence on technology has also created a new form of slavery, where people are captive to their devices and the services they provide. There are several reasons why modern technology makes people slaves to technology.

  1. Continuous connectivity: The widespread availability of the internet and the rise of mobile devices has made it possible for people to be connected to the online world 24/7. This constant connectivity can be both a blessing and a curse, as it allows people to stay in touch with friends and family, but also demands their attention and disrupts their ability to disconnect and recharge.
  2. Time demands: The demands of modern life, combined with the ease of access to technology, has created a culture of overworking and burnout. People are expected to be constantly available and responsive to emails, messages, and other notifications, even outside of traditional working hours. This leaves little time for rest and recreation, making people slaves to their devices and the demands of the digital world.
  3. Addiction: Technology is designed to be addictive, with many devices and apps using psychological tricks to keep people engaged for longer periods of time. This can lead to an obsession with technology and a disregard for other important aspects of life, such as relationships and personal health.
  4. Dependence on services: Many of the services that people rely on today, such as online shopping and banking, require a constant connection to the internet. This creates a dependence on technology and makes it difficult for people to disconnect or to switch to alternative methods.
  5. Financial burden: The cost of technology and the services it provides can be high, with many people paying for multiple devices, subscriptions, and data plans. This financial burden can be a source of stress and can consume a significant portion of a person’s income, making them slaves to their technology.

It can be argued that modern technology has not made people more advanced, but rather slaves to it. The constant need for financial investment, isolation, and dependence on technology limits personal freedom and creates a sense of burden and stress. While modern technology has brought many benefits, it is important to consider the ways in which it has changed our way of life and to be mindful of the balance between technology and personal freedom.



Abafor Chima

Just my opinion about stuff, mostly tech stuff. Take it with a pinch of salt.